Cloud Mountain Turquoise, this material was mined in China, Hubei Provence. Cloud Mountain is one of the most popular Turquoise China has produced. Yungai is the original Cloud Mountain Mine Opening and is now depleted, Yungaisi and Yungaishi are the two other mines on the same hill/area that are considered Cloud Mountain turquoise Mines this is similar to the Royston claims where 10-15 mines all carry the same name and are mined in the same location and hill. China is the top producer of turquoise worldwide they are known for having a variety of colors and patterns. My rough comes direct to me from China and a respected representative of the company that owns the Mining rights. The Son and I do all the cutting work we never farm it out. We are Native American gem cutters, we are registered members of the federally recognized Native American tribe Wichita Indians out of Oklahoma.
To be clear “100% NATURAL” it is all turquoise no backing was used If it just says “NATURAL” it is natural and backed with JB Weld.
The photos in this listing are taken in natural sunlight. Size is Approximate give or take .5 mm
In the event of any typos in this listing, the item in the photos is the one or ones you will receive if you purchase this item.
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